SPRING 2025 Enneagram Study

Wednesdays in room 103
February 5 through April 30 | 10:30am - 11:30pm
We hope you will join our next Enneagram study where we will use Suzanne Stabile's book "The Journey Toward Wholeness," which offers tools to understand ourselves and others in a more holistic, generous, and meaningful way. If you know someone who might be interested in taking the Enneagram Journey next fall, we encourage you to invite them to a "preview' of the class.
Email Rev. Emma Williams (ewilliams@upumc.org) for more information.
REGISTER HERE: https://onrealm.org/UniversityParkU/PublicRegistrations/Event?linkString=ZDJiM2U2MTUtYjZjYi00YTMyLTkwNzktYjI2ZDAxMWY4M2Vk