Why do we give?
Presenting our gifts to God is always an act of worship. We offer but a portion of what God has generously given to us. By responding to that divine generosity, we prioritize our standard of giving over our standard of living. Where we put our money, we put our life.
Four reminders about the spiritual side of money
1. God owns everything
When we think about personal finance, it’s easy to make plans about what we’re going to do with “our money.” However, money isn’t ours in the sense that we own it; the truth is, everything we have belongs to God (Psalm 24:1).
2. Everyone is investing in something.
We’ve been taught to keep careful watch on our financial portfolios and household budgets. But God offers us the opportunity to invest in the eternal and imperishable (Matthew 6:19–21).
3. True abundant living is living for God.
The Bible teaches that true abundant living is not about accumulating an abundance of things. Instead, it is about living to see God’s will on earth as it is in heaven. The best life available is a life lived for God (John 10:10).
4. How we handle our money shows our trust in God.
Jesus taught a lot about money. He knew that money can become an idol that competes for our worship or a source of our anxiety around scarcity. Our spending reveals what is most important in our life (Matthew 6:21–24). And yet, handled rightly, money is a tool that can be used to bring glory to God and share the Good News of Jesus Christ in our community and beyond.
Three questions to guide your decision
Question 1 - What can I reasonably give?
Most of us have a sense for what we might be able to give beyond our current, regular level of giving. Chances are this number comes to mind quickly. Pencil it into the first line below. Next, calculate how quickly that amount can add up over 36 months (3 years). May this be a starting point for your prayerful consideration of how you will join in God’s work at UPUMC.
Question 2 - What would I be willing to sacrifice?
There are countless ways you can redirect, reprioritize, and retool your finances in order to give sacrificially to the work of God through UPUMC. A few examples are below. Consider them, and then write below what you might be willing to give sacrificially.
Question 3 - What can I give through greater reliance on God?
If the first question was about practicality and the second question about priorities, then this question is more focused on faith. What if your 36-month commitment was a step of faith?