Lent and Holy Week at UPUMC
Lent is a soulful journey, beginning with Ash Wednesday and spanning 40 days of introspection and growth leading to Easter. It's not just about giving up something; it's a personal quest for connection. It is a spiritual adventure where prayers become conversations, sacrifices deepen compassion, and self-reflection molds character. This season, we have a chance to rediscover faith, strengthen resilience, and embody the essence of Easter together. We hope you will join us for one or all of our worship services, where we seek moments of self-discovery, grace, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Sundays during Lent | 8:45 & 11 am
March 9 - April 13
Join us during Lent as we use pastor and best-selling author Adam Hamilton’s book The Message of Jesus: Words That Changed the World to explore six of the most important themes in Jesus’ teachings, why they matter, and how they speak to us today. The book will dive into Jesus’ preaching on the Kingdom of God, the Sermon on the Mount, the parables, the “I am” sayings in John, and more.

April 13 | 8:45 & 11 AM | UPUMC Sanctuary
April 13 | 7 PM | Special Music Service | UPUMC Sanctuary
Palm Sunday commemorates Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, celebrated with waving palm branches. It signifies hope, yet, it also foreshadows the impending events of Holy Week and the profound sacrifice of Easter. Worship with us on April 13 at 8:45 and 11 am as we wave our palms and shout “Hosanna!”
At 7 pm, the choirs of UPUMC and Lovers Lane UMC will present Requiem, Opus 9, a masterwork by French composer Maurice Duruflé featuring ethereal chant melodies and lush harmonic textures brought to life by chorus, soloists, and organ. We hope you will join us for this evening of beautiful worship and music!

April 14 - 16 | 12 PM Daily | UPUMC Activity Center
Holy Week is the heart of the Christian liturgical calendar, encapsulating the profound events leading to Easter. From Jesus' triumphant entry to the Last Supper, crucifixion on Good Friday, and resurrection on Easter Sunday, it's a spiritual journey inviting reflection, repentance, and a deepened connection with the core of the Christian faith. Join your UPUMC family in the Activity Center at 12 PM daily on Holy Monday (April 14), Holy Tuesday (April 15), and Holy Wednesday (April 16) for a brief time of music, prayer, and meditation. Please feel free to bring your lunch!

March 17 | 7 PM | UPUMC Activity Center
Maundy Thursday holds profound significance in Christianity, commemorating the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples. In Jesus' act of washing the disciples' feet, we are given incredible examples of humility and service. Maundy Thursday marks the initiation of the Eucharist and underscores the sacrificial love that Jesus exemplified, setting the stage for the crucifixion and the eventual resurrection. We will begin our Maundy Thursday service in the Activity Center with opportunities to walk the labyrinth. The path leading to the Sanctuary will be marked with luminarias and stations for communion, singing, and meditation. Once we have moved to the Sanctuary, there will be a stripping of the altar in preparation for Good Friday.

April 18 | Two service options
12 PM | Upper Room Modern Service | UPUMC Youth Center
7 PM | Traditional Service | Lovers Lane United Methodist Church
As Christians, we are invited to reflect on the profound significance of Christ's death while finding solace in the hope that leads to Easter's resurrection. Our modern worship service at noon will feature reverence, reflection, and hope with music and a sermon. The traditional evening service will be a reprisal of the special music service featuring the Requiem, Opus 9, by Maurice Duruflé in collaboration with Lovers Lane United Methodist Church. The evening service will be held at Lovers Lane UMC located at 9200 Inwood Road, Dallas, TX.

April 20
6:45 AM | Sunrise Service on Colgate Lawn (Youth Center if raining)
9:00 AM | Worship Service in the UPUMC Sanctuary
11 AM | Worship Service in the UPUMC Sanctuary
10 AM | Easter Egg Hunt on Colgate Lawn (Youth Center if raining)
On the third day, he rose. Easter Sunday holds paramount significance for Christians, marking the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ. It symbolizes victory over death and sin, embodying hope and renewal. The empty tomb signifies the transformative power of faith and the promise of eternal life, reaffirming the core tenet of Christianity— that, just as Jesus triumphed over death, we too can find redemption and renewal.
Easter Sunday at UPUMC is full of energy and excitement for everyone! At 6:45 AM, pastors and a worship band will lead us in a sunrise service featuring music and the message of Jesus's Resurrection. At 9 & 11 AM, we will have a traditional Easter service in the Sanctuary featuring brass, organ, and our Chancel Choir with traditional liturgy and songs. At 10 AM, there will be an easter egg hunt on Colgate Lawn with age-level egg hunts, outdoor play, snacks, and photo backdrops for the whole family.