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Spiritual Growth


“One of the great joys in our walk with God is being able to grow our friendship and trust in God. This growth begins by connecting with our own story, often with a guide, who can help us to see how God has been at work in our lives. As we take this journey, our vision becomes more attuned to the ways that God is moving in our lives and in our world in the present moment, and we become more attuned to the voice of God in our lives. Spiritual direction has been a great help to me and so many others on our journey with God. If the God is stirring up within you the desire to grow closer to God, I pray the resources on this page will help you on the way! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the church staff if we can be of help to you.” - Rev. Joe Stobaugh


Are you thirsty for growth in your spiritual life but not sure how or where to fill that need? As part of the growing need for help in finding spiritual direction, UPUMC is partnering with Tracy DePue, a trained spiritual director, to guide people through the process of finding a spiritual director, and to offer Spiritual Autobiography Circles during the months of October and November.     



A spiritual director is a companion to someone as that person seeks God's help and leading in addressing life's daily issues.  According David Banner, author and teacher of spiritual direction students, “spiritual direction is a prayer process in which a person seeking help in cultivating a deeper personal relationship with God meets with another for prayer and conversation that is focused on increasing awareness of God in the midst of life experiences and facilitating openness to God's will."  The spiritual director is really the observer-helper for the other person's spiritual growth.

If you’d like to learn more and begin a discerning process for beginning the work with a spiritual direction, Tracy DePue and Jenny Misslin are recommended spiritual direction resources. To learn more, please visit their websites found below.

Tracy DePue: InsideOut Spiritual Living here>.

After nearly 30 years of serving in full-time music ministry in Presbyterian and United Methodist churches in Texas and Arkansas, Tracy DePue, followed God’s invitation to do something new.  She received her training as a certified spiritual director from Perkins School of Theology at SMU and started the ministry of InsideOut Spiritual Living, where she walks alongside individuals as they seek to deepen their connection to God, self, others, and creation. 

“I’m excited for the opportunity to spend time with the University Park UMC community as you explore your story and how God has been present in it.  I am available for spiritual direction services and will be leading two Spiritual Autobiography Circles in October and November.”  ~Tracy DePue


Jenny Misslin: Misslin Consulting here>.





Are you looking for someone to help you in your spiritual journey? Would you like to connect with someone trained to provide spiritual companionship or direction to help you explore more deeply your experience with God? Spiritual Directors International (SDI) is a registered educational nonprofit with a membership of 6,600 spiritual directors and spiritual companions in 40 countries around the world. They help people find their own spiritual directors and companions. If you would like to find a spiritual director please use the link below.
