Childcare | 8:30 AM - 12:15 PM
Childcare for children ages 4 months through 4 years is available in our Children's wing on the first floor in room C109 from 8:30 AM - 12:15 PM each Sunday.
Please bring a water bottle and snack for your child. Parents must remain on campus while children are in Sunday school and childcare.
4 Months through age 4
On Sunday mornings, we encourage children to attend our worship services. By age 4, most children are ready to participate with their families in worship services. During Sunday worship services, we have children's messages led by our Minister to Children and Families in which children are encouraged but not required to participate. To help engage children during the service, children’s activity folders are provided at sanctuary entrances.
If you prefer to attend services without your child, childcare is available from 8:30 AM until 12:15 PM for children 4 months through 3 years. Reservations are not needed for Sunday morning worship service childcare. As a safety precaution, all children will need to be checked into the nursery or childcare through a Sunday school leader.
For more information about UPUMC Childcare, please contact:
Ellie Ford | Minister of Children and Families | 214-368-1435 ext. 134 |
Ezri Gomez | Family Ministries Assistant | 214-368-1435 ext. 115 |